Jack's Life
What was the life
Jack dreamed of
caged as he was
in a place he didn’t know
waiting for a signal
or an intervention which came
as all things in life do
out of the blue
to be transported to a broken
cabin in the woods
being restored by a man
who needed much of the same work
done on himself
which Jack knew
in the way any animal knows
another animal
and feels another animal
as himself
so Jack fell in step there
with the man and decided
to stay near him
with him
to help however he might
in the rebuilding of this place
or of the man
who seemed to be working
with all his might
to find his way
to that rebuilt self
that could make choices
step by step
in just the way Jack would
cross the wet grass
in the morning
alert to whatever
might come next
and free to choose